About Me

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Hi! My name is Chrissi. I live in Hoboken, home of the "Cake Boss" and the birthplace of baseball and Frank Sinatra. With my husband, infant son and extraordinary super-dog we are set to take over the world... of mommy blogging (Well, at least I'm trying...they are tagging along!) I love to bake and I share Sweet recipes I try every Sunday. I post every night (or at least I try to post every night!) around midnight. The only time, as a new mother, that I have to myself.

Monday, January 28, 2013

A Week in Our Lives-January 28, 2013

It was so nice to have a three-day work week. We had off for Martin Luther King Jr Day and Bartek and I both took off on Friday to get some skiing and snowboarding in! 

I haven't been snowboarding since 2010! In 2011, I was pregnant and for some reason was shocked when my doctor told me "absolutely no snowboarding"... I don't know why I thought I could! And last year, it never snowed so we never went! We've been having some extremely cold days in the Northeast. On top of the few times that it actually did snow this year, it seemed like a perfect time to finally hit the slopes. We went to Mountain Creek, which is just 20 minutes from my parents' house, and figured that since it was Friday afternoon, it wouldn't be too packed. 

My first time down the mountain was pretty rusty. I kept falling and wouldn't let myself ease up. On the second run, I finally got it down but stupidly took the turn down the bunny slope and ran into some big patches of ice. I fell HARD on my butt and now I have a huge blue bruise on my bum the size of a softball! I was so pissed that it happened on my second run. After that, I was so nervous about falling on the bruise, that I actually fell even more. My legs got really sore and stiff after just a few runs. I wish I could've stayed out longer, but my body just couldn't work. I can't wait to get back out on the slopes (after my bruise goes away)!

Bartek did great on the skis. He's getting so good at it for someone that started in his 20's!

It was a great day overall! I wish it had been 5-10 degrees warmer...then it would've been perfect! I think the actual temperature was around 15 degrees. For the rest of the weekend I moped around the house because my body was so sore from snowboarding!

But getting to today....it's mine and Bartek's 10-YEAR-ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe it's already been ten years. It seems like Bartek has always been a part of my life. I had to break out my scrapbooks to find pictures of us from ten years ago. This was before digital cameras so all of my pictures were on actual film. I had to take pictures of my pictures, so sorry for the blurriness!
Hanging out in the common area of our dorm before we started dating
New Years together--before we "officially" started dating
Our first real date on Valentines Day
One of my favorite pictures of us! 
Looking like huge dorks in our matching shirts on the 4th of July!

Our first vacation-Williamsburg, VA-the start of a love of traveling together
Nick and Mer's rehearsal dinner
Halloween as Pebbles and Bam-Bam
It was great flipping through my scrapbooks. I have some hilarious pictures from our freshman year of college. So many memories with so many great people. I'm glad that I'm still friends with a bunch of them to this day!

It has been an amazing ten years for us. I'm looking to decades and decades more of great times with my great love!

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