About Me

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Hi! My name is Chrissi. I live in Hoboken, home of the "Cake Boss" and the birthplace of baseball and Frank Sinatra. With my husband, infant son and extraordinary super-dog we are set to take over the world... of mommy blogging (Well, at least I'm trying...they are tagging along!) I love to bake and I share Sweet recipes I try every Sunday. I post every night (or at least I try to post every night!) around midnight. The only time, as a new mother, that I have to myself.

Monday, March 26, 2012

What We Can Learn from TV Moms-Joan Harris from Mad Men

As some of you may know, I love Mad Men and I had been patiently waiting for it's return for a while now! I was so happy to see Joan's new role as a mother.

Photo courtesy of AMCTV.com
Just like the rest of us, Joan was mentally and physically exhausted from her new baby and adjusting her new life. The exhaustion made her even more emotional and more prone to snap at people easily. We've all been there. It happens to the best of us. I remember just a few days after coming home from the hospital with Landon, I was so exhausted and so emotional that I spent an entire day in bed sleeping while our entire family was outside in the living room (just steps away...our apartment is tiny!) playing and cooing with Baby Landon.  Joan reminds us here that it's ok to let go and let others help while you get some rest. 

She also struggled with the family-work balance. Going back to work is one of the hardest things you have to (or choose to) do as a new mom. On one hand, you don't want to put a hold on your career. And on the other hand, you cannot imagine spending hours away from your new bundle of joy. Joan reminds us that life is full of hard decisions and you have to follow your heart. 

It was so great to see this different side of Joan, but I guess she always was the mother hen of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. I hope we get to see more of it this season!


  1. Do you know who played Joan's mother? I can not place her.

  2. She did look familiar! I tried Googling and IMDB'ing, but can't find anything!
