About Me

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Hi! My name is Chrissi. I live in Hoboken, home of the "Cake Boss" and the birthplace of baseball and Frank Sinatra. With my husband, infant son and extraordinary super-dog we are set to take over the world... of mommy blogging (Well, at least I'm trying...they are tagging along!) I love to bake and I share Sweet recipes I try every Sunday. I post every night (or at least I try to post every night!) around midnight. The only time, as a new mother, that I have to myself.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Half a Year of the Awesomest Baby in the World

Today, Landon turned 6 months old!! I can't believe it's been half a year already. The time has really flown by. Each month, I've posted a picture of him on Facebook so I'd be able to see how he's grown. I'm so glad I did! Here's 6 months of my little man:

The day he was born. What a cute little burrito!

We never posted a picture from his 1-month-birthday, but this was taken on September 3rd, so close enough! Such long, skinny arms and legs!

Chunking up a little at 2 months. And a lot more alert

Focusing more at 3 months.

Starting to develop a personality at 4 months and holding his head up easily.

Looking quite dapper at 5 months and able to sit propped up on his own.

Sitting up, smiling and giggling at 6 months.

What a fun, crazy, and love-filled 6 months this has been! 

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